Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

2 The Evil of Evils, Or the I I. Thouwrongeft God in thewayof thy fin thus, in his Omniprefence, and Omnifciency : to put themboth together. In that thou darefi do that before thevery face of God, that God infinitelyhates is it not awrong toany King, yea, to your (elves though mean, for thole that are your inferiors todo that before your face that you hate above all things in theworld ? thus a Sinner Both, al the wayes of thy Sin are before the very face of God, and they are fuch things as God infinitely hates, yet thou dareftclo that before the fate of God in Come Sin, that thou dareftnot do before the mcaneft ,hovor girle in thy houle. What a swrong is this toGods Omrtifciency and Otr:ni pretence Nov, pc rhp: thou dareit not do it a Chi'd of fix yenru old, and v t -do it before the face of the in mire bleat(' God; if a man fhould be a6aiH to do a thin before any Servant in his house, the very Scullion of theKitchin, and F et when he comes before the King, doth it there; were not this a wr to his Majeffy , that any dare be fo bold b# re him . 2 Again, 'Thou wròngeff his Omniprefence in this, in that thou darefr to cart that which i, filthy beforehis pretence, to calf Carrion,a dead 'Dog, beforea Prince, is a wrong : men in (inful wayesdonothing but cat vomit and filthbefore the pretenceof a moft holy God : thus thou wrongeft God in his Omniprefence and Om- nifciency. Thirdly, Thou wrongefr God inhis way of Wifdom,