Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

68 The Evil of Evils)Or the plead againft him before God, but when all th.c Attributes of God plead againft him (as I might thew you more at large) how woful is his condition. Obiea. Butyou trillfay thoughall the other Attri- butespleadagaifi m , yet Ihope Mercy will pleadfor ß1i. AxfW. But that pleads againft thee too, for thou wrongeft his Merde alío. Indeed there is no Attribute more wronged by Sinners or- dinarily than the Mercy of God is. The Merde of God, doeft thou think that {hall' plead for thee? That is wronged efpeciallie: Why ? Becaufe there is no Attribute abufed'. to be an Abettor to Sin , more than the Mercie of God is ; and its abufed and made. to harden the hearts of men and women in Sin, no Attribute fo much abufed: The Ju- ftice of God thou thinkeft that pleads againft thee, but Mercie thou thinkeft pleads for thee i Juflice is not fo much wronged by Sin as Mercie is : The Juftice of' God is not made an Abettor of Sin : Now that is the greateft wrong that can be for. Gods Mercie to be made a means to abet Sin, and to har- denmens hearts inSin. It is a great wrong to make ufe of anyCreature to be ferviceable to our Sin; if' a man make Meat, or Drink, or Cloathes, or anie Creature ferviceable to his Luft, it is a wrong to that Creature and toGod the Creatorof that Creature that thoumakeft ferviceable to thy luit : but if it be a wrong to the Creature, what is it tomake theMercie of God