Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Agra6toAtS 'ptitt, in the body ; muchmore in the ipirit when the faculties and the frame of it are in a ï ghjt temper. Spiritual]. coin- forts are tech as are above the foul:, and there fo! e put anexcellencyupon it ; comforts that arem things ieneath the faculty ,cannot but be mean , and doe debate ir. How rnu: h beneath the xcellency of the fpirir of a roan, is the flefhof beafls , the jut ce ofthe Grape, orany vain fporis , or whatfoever may give content to the fecifitive paru e but there are com'orts that are above the foule. fpirituall,heavenly,divine things, any thef, this fpirit feeds upon; theyare comforts that the fpirit rejoyce,, in be- tore theLord: That a fWeet and bleffed joy indeed , that is enjoyed before the. Lord ; and when the Lord molt pre- Çenr,moff enjoyed. Other vain fenfirall tpirits have joy,but not before theLord; apprehenfxonof the pretenceof the Lorddamps all: and therefore theyde- fire not tohave mentionmade of the Name f the Lord, Afros 6.1o. Soto rejoyce, ás tobeable to bielle God for our j .)y; } fo to rejoyce, as to mare heprefence 1 cf .God the chief matter of our joy, this,