a ch®lceandapreeioss*rite weakeft godly man excels him that is molt eminent in common gifts , more then the moft eminent Saint in heaven excels him : for the glorified Saint is onely higher in forne degrees in the fameexcellency, which in the princi- ples, yea, and in force luffre, thennea- neff Saint on earth bath ; bee bath that which will at laft grow up to heavens glory ó but the dil#ance betweenhim, and themanwho onely hath theexcel- lencies ofparts, learning,common gifts, itiseffèntiall: All parts and common gifts in the world can never growup to this. Thirdly,yea,this is not onely the life ofAngels,the life-ofheaven,but the life ofGod himfelf ; for fo it is called by Godhimfeif, phef 4. i i . Seneca(aies ofReafon, that it is part of the Divine ipirit in mans body; it is much more true of Grace, it enab!es the foule in force refernblance to come the neare f thatcan be, to live as God lives,towork as God works : it reprefenrs God in the higheltglory, and therefore it is called, The Image ofGod; This thews more to the world what God is, then all the frain 79 3- Ratio nihil aliud eft, plum in cot- us humununa pars divini f jiricus rey- fx.Seneca Epia. 67.