a choicearidapreeio.sfpfrit., I . ree then all the f;t'taer tlicx g , e cellen- cy of this fpirir i, fuch, as it is one rï. w; th God hitxxfc4f, , Cor. G. 17. Hee. that is jeynedto. theLord, is ©ete fpnrtt. It wda the excel lency,ot7oAria,trax: he had the fpirìt of itiofis upon him ; of E1:11id, that he had th:: í,airir. Ekjha ; what is it hen to have the, Spirit ca- G ',d him- Oft' yea to bee one fpylrlt with him. Put all thefe then io,gether, godlihelfc bywhich this °the rpí: it is ra fed high- er then cotláCnoi! ipi'üs , it is the lifeof God, the imageo' God, the aivinen7`uré, thc:glory ot GUd, yea or e fpirit with God s and not r3cre Dhigh glori- cyus exct°llen.cle F.6urthl,r a this m ikcs hErn,wllegef pe- ,VErítl',ficfogloïifiL Cod in h wild, and fo the foérl; rim sendued, is not one- ly a glaffe to rtprelc.nt liVing gldiic tó enjoy the cómlort of what it (loth rc- prefent; Faut as a glaff to ,rc-ff, a 'upon the face of God, hïmfegf, r.h.: glory of . his own image , t<ind that by a principle withinit felf. Other p,lafl;es can re fi:6i upon the thing whole image it bath , if adedby ahand externally x btía tïa:s by an inwatd pYinciple; aaiaf®.gìves , God í. Sr