God his glory aCtively, which no o suercreature can doe, but Angels and teens foules, whohave there fpiriruall excellencies i.n them Were it not for a fewof thefe ípiriis, what glory would God have in the world how little would hebe minded ,or regarded a But thefeare they who hve high thoughts ofGod , who have trembling frames before him, whodoe reverence, feare, adore, loves cleave to, true in,magnifie thename ofthegreat God in the world;. t efe íantifiehis Name in his worfhip, J theyworfhip him asa God , they wor- (hip him in fpint and truth , and fuch worfhippers God feeks , lob. 4. 23. as thefe he highly effeems of, and much rejoyces ins chef takenotice of him in i all his creatures , in the wayes of his j p*ovidence , and ufe the creatures for him, fromwhom theyare ; the glory of God is dear and precious to thefe; this is the excellency of their fpirits, they are not funk in the dregs of the world , but being kept inforemeafure in their purity , they work up to God, deeask were naturally flow to God as to their Center. Fiftly,