a deiceandapreciencrfiri . and faith , I have found a man accord ing tomine ownheart, who (hall kutfi Á all mywill. The excellency of a riling is in the ufe ofit: What can it doe The excellency ofthe Angels is in that th. y are miniffring fpirits 5 and theexcellen- cy of man is to be ferviceable ; hisex- cellency is nor,rhat he caneat,and drink and fport, and go fine , but that he is of ufe , fitted for what lerviceGodpath to doe in the world, that he can further Godsends in his works , that Godmay fay of him, I have founda man accord ing tomineown heart , that iç prepared tofìifihl all my will. WhenEfay 6. had his ípirit purged, fignified by that fignÿ ofone, of the Cherubims, touchinghis tonguewith a coale from theAltar, he prefently firws the excellency of his fpirit in thìs,rhat whenGod hadachoice pieceof work to doe, and asks whom he (hall feed the Prophet readily and chearfully answers, Lordhere a I , fend me: doebut Jet the truth of God before there, it is enough' ; their fpirit3 being graciousclofe with it, yeeld to it , obey ir, let about the work it firws they ,fhoulddoe 5 but when mens f, irirs -Are G 4 corrupt