Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choiceand aprecious fpirit . have fpirits fitted for his work, and in them hedelights ; if theWork requires boldnesand impvtdence, hathmenof daring'pirit whowill fet upon,ir,and. go through*ith it ; If it requires fub- tilty , hechoofeth menofmore mode- rate fpirits, whocankeep in their paíli- ons, and fecretly, and infentbly work their ownends. Wee read , Revel. I2. the Devitt there oppoleth Gods Saints in fiery and' op_:n vtolence,as a Dragon; but afterward , Chap. 13. hee gives his power to the Beaff who to (even heads,who would workwithmore fub- ti "rye, todraw theworldafter him ; and as we reade, Hod 7.4,6,7, -cafes, thofe who laboured to fer up the Calves in Dan and Bethel, wereas hot as an Oven in their es,inrenrions &defìres; but becaufe they law the beff way to j have the wok fucceed, was notto c it onat fiat by openviolence the of)re arr y theywere content to ft iy ; As the Ba- ker ceafeth from railing after hee hath locl -n. kneadedthe dough tnnttll it be leavened, an wl- 'nit is orce leavened , then he it its i ;t pit to Ovin ; fo they` were content to forbear a while, untill they had