The Epifile glory, and honour, and power , Apoc. 4. To. felon rafter Saint John heard every creature in Ì Heaven and on Earth, and Sea, laying, fire Honour, Glory, and Power, bee Unto him that fitteth upon the Throne , and unto the Lamb for evermore, Chap, 5. 13. Andfcon after that, hefaw Chrifl with his Crown up- on him, going forth conquering and to con- quer,chap.6 2. whatgreat mercies might we expeE ,didwe fee G O D railing up trulyNoble and Gene roes Spirits , more generally in thegre' t ones oftheearth? did wefee the Elders and Nobles caging down their Crownes before the Throne of the Lamb , willing to deny all their glory, and excellencies , and eftates, for the railng up theglory of yefur Chriff ? Certainly God pathgreat things to doe in this latter Ageofthe world, and hee is a God ith who there is &great abundanceof Spi- rit as ever ; when his time comes, h©wloonwill fucb a thing be, as the railing-1w'ns Spirits to higheranamore noble defignes, then now wee caraimaci '4e? Theobferving the Frame and Work of your molt pretioru noble Spirit (Right Ho= nourable) put me upon the 7 houghts ofthis Argument ; the chiefeft Boòke that I made up of for the inlarging my cilleditatìons in it (next the Scripture) was that which I 1 yfully beheld inyour reife, and your Noble . and mach honoured Liad honoured' and i