Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

hedieatoryv thetweet Note of the Nightingale ; What if you heard the Nightingale herfelfe? So I; what ifyou faw the workings ofthegracious, tweet Amiablern true Nobtnefe Gene- rorfneme ofInchSpirits thensfelves ? Such a tight I6111 God Ihavefeen,andI fb ail endea- vour tof#irreup others to bileGod with use for it. Andnow that I might hove occajien to make anHonorable and thankefull mentionof your Names; I have pre;umed to make my privat thoughts publickto the world, and to pretext them to your Lord/Np humbly cra- vingpardonfor this boldattempt, andfo reft- ing, lune 30. i 638 Your Honours in all humble and due obfervance, jer, Burroughes.