Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

A gracious jjirit. the moft honourable fociety in the world ;. for it is the affociation ofthe moft excellent and gloriouscreatures ; Godhimfelf delights to joys himfelfe wwith them , to he amongft rhem : as, 2 Cor. 6. 16.1willdwel among them ( faith the Lord ; andwalk there,andI willbe their God, and they A all be my people. But the 401KrbITO iv words are more fignificant in the Ori- áv7órs. ginal, theyexpreflk Gods delight , nor only todwel among thcm,&Zwalk with them, but todwel m them, and walk in them. Andhence that cxpreffron ofTer- tullian, that we made ufeof before inan- other cafe,is very pertinent for our pur- pofe here likewife ; Whengoodmenmeet, (fayes he) whengidlymen aregatheredto- ;gethrr, this is notebecalleda Fallion,but a !Court. W hatplace is accounted fo ho- norable, and excels in more delights then the Courts of Princes The foci- ety ofGods Saints, communion with, Gods people, bath more honour, is fil- led withmore delights then any Court in the world, where this iswanting : the fociety of the wicked , that is unfavory and tedious, becaufe their fpirits arefa vileandcorrupt, like the flime and filth there