Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

162 Agracious fpirit, 2. Firm, yourbirth is from him, youare born of God inanother manner then o- thers are , and therefore it niuft not be with you as it is with others. Men of - high birth will not Lye as other men doe. Hence wee made ofa cufterne a - mongft the Hcathcn,they were wont , o derive the ptkiegreeoftheirvaliant men from their gods; to this end, t6:ough the thingwere not true, yet they beiee- ving thetnfelves to bee a Divine of- fpring, they might upon cónfïdence then of, unc'ettake higher attempts thenothers, with the more boidnefie Much higher things fhould thofe en- deavour after, who are indeed born of God. Secondly Cod hath put forthano- ther manner of power out upon your fpities , then upon other men ; other menhave but a generali common influ- ence of Gods power let into their fpi- nits : but he bathmanifefted the excee- ding greatnef e ofhispower in you ;as, Eph. 1.19. obferve the gradation there; theApcftle fpcaking. of the power of God, put forthupon thofe that doebe- leeve, expreffes it in a fixfold grada- tion, i It