166 A gracious firit not live in a higher way of holineffe, and doe more for him then others r God expods great things from you Fry63.8. Ifaid, fore they willnJt lie : Whenothers are bare, unfaithful! and vile in their wages, yet God rejoyceth, In this, that he hath a generation in the c 3orld, a choyce company of other fpirits, pretious and excellent fpirits, and he (hall hive other dealings from them. Eighthly your finnes g 'e nearer' to the heart of God -then others: O- ther men mayprovoke God to anger, but you grieve his holy Spirit. God took it very ill at Selo .-was hand, that tedealt ill with hire after he had ap- peared twice to him,i Kings often hath God appeared ro your foules t' What gracious vihrati haveyour fpirits had 'from hi Ti ? It is a fhamefull thing indeed for you to fall as other mendoe It was an aggravati- onof fall of Saul, 2 Sam. r. 2 r. that the fhield of the mightywas calf down, the fhield of Saul, as though he fad not ben annointed with oy le 5 for you to fall, as though you had not been a nointed