a cl®îceandaprecious(iris. noynted, as others which hwe no fuch oyntment poured upon them, thh isa great a,-dlo ecvii. Ninthly ) she eyes of many are up- onyou : fie Nameof God, thecaufe of God is engaged in you. Tenthly, you are appointed by God to be the Judges ofo' her men, I Cor. 6. Z. Doe yru sot know that the Saitts Jsall judge the worlds yea, verfe 3. _ naori yoN not that we J a!l judge the noels ? God will bring your Evesand wayes before all theworld to judge theworld bi,and therefore they had need to bee :ery exat, and to have fomething in them more then ordinary.Tt is a flume- full way ofreafoning, for any man to reafunfor fin by examples ; as if like a Thiefe, he would faine fcape in the crowd : but much more that refull is ir, lithat any godlyman fhould be found to argue for fin this way, for this is an ag- gravation of fin not a leffening of it,as if I f hould fay, God hath difhonour by fuch and fuch, and therefore why may henot have forne mote byme Sinne is, a {biking at God,, and every fanner ffrikes athim; and thou commef run- M 4 ring 367 .