Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choice and aprecious fpirit. felves in this,beeafily convinced in par- ticulars,whichare for Godagainft your felves; the excellencyofamans fpirit is much feen in this. Many conceit anex- cellécy of fpirit to be inPelfwildneffe, inbeing paffionate, froward and boy- ferous; Certainly this comes from weakneffe of fpirit, noexcellency is re- gfuired forthis, every foole canbethus. But that is excellency to beable to o- vercome., to rule ones fpirit, to have command ofones fpirit, to fubdueand bring inorder pafhons,and violent fhir- rings of fpirits ; this is pretiousand ho- norablein the eyes of God and uwan ; this is a well- tempered fpirit indeed, that canbe ftrong, zealous, full ofcou- rage, unyeeldable in the caufe of God and theChurch Out meek,quiet,yeeld- able, felfe-den<able in its owne caufe: thofe whouluallyare the toff boyffe roesandpaffionate for themfelves, are the molt poore[} fpirited men, and the tunabafely yeelding,when it comes to thecaufeof God. 2. Shew the excellencyof your fpi- ri s enabling you todoe that which o- thers cannot doe, by lovingyour ene- mies,