Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

170 It W1g a 'brave fpirit of Zwinglíus expreßing it feif thus, in his 3. Epift. uas paon o- portet mortes præeligere, quodnon (up- pliciumpothos ferre, imo in- quamfrojiul- dum inferni abyffura noia intrare,quam . contra confci entiam atte- ßari? A gracious fpirit, mïes, praying for them, doing them all the good you can ; this is the fpeciall thing our Saviour commands to his Difciples in that g. Natty. when hee would have them doe more then others doe. 3 Fear the lean fin, more then the .,greate 1iiffering; Morality railes the fpirit higheff next to Grace, andyet a meer morall man , accounts it foolifh- neffe, ro be fo nice as not to yceld in little things, `for the avoiding of great fufferings; but a gracious fpirit thinks the leaf} truth ,of God worthy to be witneffed to, by the loffeof his dearth comforts, and fuffering the greateft e- ( vils; yea,he accounts fuffering for (mal things the molt honourable fufferings of all, as readying the greateff love; as Davids Worthies fhewed their dea . reft love to him , in venturing their lives toget him a littlewater, 4 Prize opportunities of fervice -e then all outward contentments in the world ; a gracious heart thinks is honour eniugh, that God iniployes it; he is not onely willing to go on in his work , though outward content- ments