a choice and aprecién!fpirit. 175 thing befallthem., they are prefently in a hurry, fodilquietand tumultuous, that allthe peace and fweetnes of them is loftyand they hinder themfelves ex- ceedingly,both in the bu fineffetheyare about, adding much to the difficulty of it , and in all other bufneli'cs that concern them. This notes much di- flernperof'!pint, like diflempered flefh of amans body , if it bebut toucht with the fingcr, or the lc aft ayre come toit, it prefently fetters and ranckles. to Bee more careful! to know the fountain fromwhence all your mercies come, and to have a fantified ufe of them when you enjoy them , than to have the pofeffion ofthem , or delight in them : An ordinary fpirit looks at nothing, but onely to have the thing it delires , is not felicitous about the fountain from whence theyfpring, nor careful! to attainany fandifedend , to which they tend , looks not at them as fromGod, neither ufes them for God ; but where all tildeare, here is the work of a choice precious fpirit indeed, the peculiar work ofit ; this is todoe more then others, and thus Gods fe vants mutt