Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a8& Magnus ani- rzz anagnana fortunam de- det. kraeioto [pint, becomes a great fortune, fayes Seneca. HemeansgreL.tneffe ofminde in theex. ercife of vertue, which onely gives a true greatneflè to the mimic. I know this is a powerful' argument with you, tomake grace lovely and defireable in youreys, to tell you that it will lade your fpirits, that it will put beauty and glory upon them,thar it wil ad great oes andexcellevy to them. The wog Id is much for brave fp.rit=, we d.fir yours may bee fo : ()tidy miflake nor the true Noblkncs, the true excellency of fpirit ; certainly it is in that v* hichmay bring you nca eft to God , the htheft excellency : You canno way be fo ho- . nourable, as by the raiding of your fpi- rirs by grace: Wifdomewith 2n inhe- ritance isgood,wifdome wi h birth and eminency ofplace is a great blc°ffing in- deed to be rich in goods , and rich in goodneffe, is a happy connexion. You would account it a great d (grace not to have education fomewhat fumble to your birth and quality 3 what can be raid more difhonourable of a man then' this , He hath left him indeed a great e- flare, and is ofagreat houle,bur he h rh !!' no breeding r What r is a competent meafure'