a deiceandapreciotsflint. meafure of knowledge in tongues, and arts, and other things futa.bie to your births and eflates, accounted a beawy and ornament to them, and is not grate and go 'lintffe much more ? Doe rhefe addean f xce i lcncy to your quality, and put an honour uponyour dignities, and will not gtdlircfie muchmore ? Shall Sea and Land be travelled over with much l'azarc~, foule- hazard, and bodi- ly hazard, withgreatexper.ce ofeftate, to get knowledge of fafhions , and a Gentile behaviour , becauf° you thinke they, w it l be Ornaments to your great cflares lou were are-born to; and ¡hall no labour be undertaken to get godli- neffe,toget your fpiris riledbygraces asanornament to the greatneffeofyour bir'h , and eminency ofyour tare 0.' How , to flight the veryglory of God himfelf and to cOnremn the higher dignitymen orareas are capa- bleof? Are any places fo .fit fcr wife. dome, asthe highplaces of the City e á Prev. g, t, 3. Wifdome bath budded her houfe, flee bath heavenout her reven Pàit'rs, the, cryeth upon the higheft places ofthe City. flow honourable Bothgodlincs N 3 make 381 Divitia non facZunt 1n- fgnes, nifi quos poffiant bonis operi- bus face,e slariores. Ladant lib. g.cap.i 6.