Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

gracious iPirit, snake t "nofe , whofe birth , wholeplace is honourable in the eyes of God , his Sainrss bleffed Angers , and in thecon- fciences of all How well Mothgrace fuite with thehigheft dinity,asa bright fhiningDiamond in a golden Ring:' As the world is drawn more confpicuous and full in a large Map, then in a final; fo the beauty and excellency of grace and godlireffe, appears more confp',cu- ous and glorious ingreat men and ho- nourable , then in thofe who are ofa inean{r rank. Firft, you had needof other fpirits; moreneed then others for the improve- ment of thofe great mercies that you have aboveothers. As fume fowle that havegreat wines, yet can flie hut little; fomanymen have great eflates,bur not havin fpirits to improve them, they are of little ufe. Know,that your efta: es are either mercies or miferies, bleings or curlings to you, according as you have hearts to improve them : if they be improved for God, as advantages to tohonour God by , ro doe good with- all,t =eyare great bleffings then indeed: and that is as great an argument of the truth