Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

a choice and aprecieswfpirit. 18 truthofgrace, as any, to he as cornea withGod for an heart to improve an eífate, or a place ofdignity for God, as to rejoyce that you have filchaneflate for your (elves, or that you ate in fuch DiVitOr4714 an eniment place , whereby youmav n©n P2' d1v- Ives. WheieGod tr r hahrac get honour toyour fell/ r qui utun- tur ails ado- perajuizioe, Ladant.lib. .cap. 16. gives not a moreexcellent fpirit thm`no- thers,as wel asan higher conJiti ï jn :hen others, an eminent citate is madebut as fewell for a nou.rifh°r and maintainer of all manner of evil , toof 'crd opportu- nitis for acing of fin ; and is not this theexcellency that manyaccount tobe in their eifates, in that it is higher then others, in that theycan have their aril5, and fatisfie their luffsmore then others? Secondly.you had need ofother fpi-. rits, for the improvi :'g ofthe large op- portunities of fervice for God and his Church , that you have more then o- thers; thefe are as great bleífirgs , as your eftates, or anydignitiesyouhave aboveothers. God betrus you with much, ingiving you fuch large oppor- tunities ofservice, for thehonour ofhis great Name. If your birth bee high, your eftatcs high' and your fpirits in- dd, i