Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

I$4 4 .gracioto f irit, clued with excell}lncy from on high, how fit then aye you tobe ufed by God in high and hono able ervices If Hence theconverfonofa great man is of ex- ceeding tz rear con1ec ucnce i whereupon Saint Paul WaS fo loath to lofe the Con- verfion of the Deputy Sergiw Pardus, who began.to Men rò his preaching ; of hcwwe reade Acts , 3.verfe 7. and fo on : Theretore when Flimas with- flood him in this work,. feeking to turn away the D:pn y from the. Faith ,,the fpirit ofSaint Paul ore againfi himWith much in., nation; andb: ing filled with the HolyGho(l he fet his L yes on him, and raid o fillofall ftbtily andall m f chitfe,thou chine of the Dhvrll t`auene- r, y of riçhtcofneffè,, wilt thou not cafe to- pervert the 9 igI t waysof the Lord ? And nowbehold the handoftheLord is upon thee, and thoujhalt he b ' nde. As if Saint Paul fhouldhave fàid, What hind der me in fuch a gre t work as this, wherein God may have fomucr:honor in the converfion ci this Noble man, this man of Tublike and cminenr place 4 this indeed is to be fill ofall miíchiefe, to be an enemy of all righ eouf: ncff.c. Thusyou fee how his fpirit was flirred