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a choiceand arecioNsfpirit. ifirred when hc was put in flareofb g hindred in filcha notable prize as this: As a man when likely to have a great draughr,therecomes in one anddifiurbs him, and is like to hinder him of it. Surely.Saint Paul fair that it°was a won. derfull great bleffing to the Church, to have great men tobe brought in, to the obedienceof the faith , and tobeadded to it. And further it is obferved,that God goingalongwich Sint Paul , and Rill.- thing the workofthe converfion of this great m ln; that upon this Saint Paul had his namePaul i ven him,beingchanged from Saul, and called Paulus, from that notable work of the converfion ofthis Paulus Sergius : As many great Cap- tains amongf} the Heathen were, wont, to have theirnames changedupan their ft.cceffe in (ome noble enrerprize and great vidories ; as Scípo Africanos, he wa called Africanos from his conqueff of Africa, 3 You whoare in high andeminent dignities, you are the earn&prayers of Gods fervants in all places, that God ì would raife you up with truely noble, excellent, andgracious fpiri.s, that you may 185 4 r`