Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

r-- to tie Reuter. aodlineffe fills the heart, therewill be as ven- turous and bold attempts for God. Paul be- ing filled with the Holy Ghoft, fèt his eyeson Elymau, and fo thundred and lighmed againO Aas r3. , him, thatprefently his proud tnalitious fpirit 16. was blafted When the heart ofa man is filled with di- vineTruths, it is not rile prefenre of' men in highest place can daunt it Eltfha had a double portion of the fpirit or Elijah; and did the greawcffe or wickedntlle of ieho- ! ramdaunt him ? There appeared a Deity in his very fpeech and Spirit , 2 Kings 3. 14. As the Lordof ¡lofts liveth, before whom I Rand . furtly Were it not that I regard the pretence of lehofaphat, the King of Judah, I would lot loo& towartis tbee or fèe thee. I-fee had a fulneflf of Gods Spirit in him , /that could fpcake thíís to one of the Gods on earth. When á mans heart is filled with Divine Influence, he fearer not the enemies 'of good- nes , neither is afharned of ought accompanies godlines , a Tim. I.7, 8. Godhah given u the Spirit of power of love, and of a found Mind ; be not thus therefore aifhamedof the te- ftimony, &c.When the power of God is in a f mans fpirit , het will not bee afhamed of the Croffe,nor refile to (hare in theaffliciions o the Golpel. his the Honourof Religion, to have fuch, Difciplesas wil own.her, &c ffand for her at all a q: times; L