Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

The .Epfile the body,the other the foule. If thy Spirit be choyce and right , thou wilt acknowledge this Worke, folid, fpirituall, and filch as hi- therto thou haft not met with many like it.. If Treesbe known by their fruit, what o- ther fentence may bepaflèd upon the Compo- fer of it, but that he hath profited in the Schooleof Chrifl above rhoufands ; hath had a large operation of Gods Spirit in his owne Soule., attained to a choyeenes and excellen- cy of Spirit himielfe , and that hehath clear- ly differencedbetween peetious and bale fpi- rits ? Aug.Conf. l.i. I (hall appeale to thy felfe, Chriftian Rea- der, when thouhaft pert;red this booke, whe- ther thou wouldft have had it buried in the dark. if he delerves a Curie that with-holds Corn, Proverbs r i. s6. thou wilt biefs God for this Corn the Author hath lent to market., God made him a Fountain not to be waled up , but to flow for common good. Verit4- tern celare eft awrurnfepelire. In a Fountaine fealed, and treafures hid,the Author knew was' littleprofit. He hath let out hiinfelfe toadvan- tage thee,taken this off from his owne Spirit, to put upon thine. Doe thine endeavour tobetter thy Idle by, it,and if thougetteft anygood, give untoGod' glory ifnone, fiapfeat thy fpirit, and fpare thy cenfures : The Authors Spirit is above them, and counts it a very final/ thing to be judged od