3z6 Agr4siaus pirit, Lord to receiveglary honour, andpower, Revel, 4. I r. Thou art worthy to re- ceive the higheft honour that any of thy creatures can by any means give unto thee. TheHeathen gods wereho- noured, as thole who were onely Au- thors of tome particular goad Things; and therefore there were inch a multi- plicityof them : one was honoured as theAuthorofone good thing,andano- ther as the Author of an =ther; and therefore particular honour was fu ffici- ent for them. There was no rrafon., that any of them fhould have the who foule, working in the fulnefD of the o- perationsofit after. them ; but o. ; r God ! is not fo; the is an univcreall Tod in ; whom there is all good, & from whom all goodflows,and by whom all good; is preferved in the be ng it hash § and therefore it is a molt absolute, univer- fall honorand tervice that is due tohim; if we had a thou(àands offoules, and rif theywere all often thoufand tiim(s lar- ger extent then they are'; yet infinite eafon there wouldbe, that their (hunld all in the full Iatitude , extent and itrengrh' of them, work after this our God,