Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

328 graciems fprit, ccorrnp1ilhedall, andPaid, It is fnifbed. This was,a mighty work , for the ac- cornplif`nment whereof, he paffeth tho- rowmore difhcuities,then ever thou art like todo, in the fulieft meafureoffol- lowing theLord, that poffibly can be. Fourthly, yea, Gods mercies for the prevent, are very full towardsyou ; his pardoningmercies , and his fupply i ng tnercies,wtth'all things needful' ; when he receives thee tomercy, hefully par- dons all thy fins , he leaves nothing u - on the fcore; he remits all thy punt th- ments. This Wús Davids Argument, Pf.1l.1 o3.1, 2, 3. Bide the Lord ,0my ¡rule. and all that is witkin me , b'efe his HolyName andbkff- theLorci3Omy foule, again ; as ifhe fhould fay, 0 let God be fully biefled by me : why what was that, that railed and inlarged Davids heart a It follows, Whofo,- ive- ethall t?' ine iniquities, and/eats allt#y di_ f isfes ; and vetfe4. He crowns theewith loving k ndeneffes ; n" ve' 5. Hefatis fies thy to oral; wit hgoodth ngs Godgives his fervants a fulneífe in all they doe.en- joy `; his g } ace c xcc-edi'gly abounds-to- wards them inevery thing. Thar-place r