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fodlores Godfully, in 2 Corinth, 9. 8. is very remarkable for the letting out of the aboundingof Gods grace towards his people; And God is able ( faith the Text) to make all graceagouncttowardsyou , thatyee a1wayes havingal fiufflciency rnallthings , may a. bound to every good work. What ever Cod is able to doe forus, by faith wee make it as ifit weredone. And thispo- wer ofGod isfa fbrtl to the Corinth'. a a.r , as a Motive to' perfwade them to full obedience, that they might abound to every good work 5 which if they did , they Ihould have this power of God ativc,fullyworking for them,ac- cording to thefe large expreffions wee have of it in this Scripture. And ob- %x ve the feverall exoreíïiox s. r It is grace. 2 Thenall grace. 3 Thenall grace abounding. 4 A fufficiency. g A Il- fuñciency, 6 Anall$fufficiency inall things. And 7. alwayes an all-fufficiency in all things.. And is not hero an Argu- ment full enough to caufe them and us, and all Gods people for ever, toa- bound 380