o Agradousfrtrtt, bound in everygood work. How of- tendoth God fill our cup with mercy, andmake it even runover ; as Bp. 23. S. Ifthere fh 11 be anAl-fuffiiciency in all things, then there will be an al- fuffi- ciency in our greate& !traits , in our greateft affliáions, in our greateft fears: As it isPaid ofthe wicked, 1 20, 2 2. in thefulnes ofhis fufficiency,heThal be in ftraits; thecontrary is true concern ng Gods people; in the fulneffe of their ffraits, they fhali be in all-fufliciercy. Godcaufeth all his Attributes , andall thewayesofhisProvidence,andall his creatures towork for the good ofhis peoples All that is in God, all that God doth, and all that belongs to God; is for them ; therefore infnce rafoa there is , that all they are , that all they doe, thatall they have,fhauld work for his honour. Firft, all that there is in God is for them, Ier. 3 2.41. 1millrejoyceover them, to dee themgod, axed1 wiNplant them in this land effferedly, withmy whole heart, andwith my whole fou le God cals for nomore from thee thenhe is willing to give unto thee ; be would have thy whole