Agracioás,pirit, Asdi&obedience is onely in Lome par- ticular ads, and n') coinintied courre; foGods mercy toahem which comes 6m his generall. ouut ,is rn.inifeited èl .in c a ' í m artr ular adxofhis,and any confant cour % But it is o- therwiC'e in his dealings towards his people theygo on inacor rant courre ofobediencc; they make Gods Com- mandements their paths , and therefore Godgoeson ina conftan courfeof lo. vingkindnefc towards them , he makes his mercy to them the ordinary pathes whereinhe walks: As, Pfains 36. io. o continue thy lovingkindeneffe to then; that know thee asad tby rightea flejf "e to the up- right inheart.; The:word in the Origi- nail, is, Drawout thy loving kindeneffe. Godsmercies tohis own,a re,a cow imu- ed Sertes,rhey aredrawn out froma con- : flant Spring© they come forth from a never-failing Fountain ;: there is a con- nexion between one mercy and ano- ther t bit as forothers, Godnow and then onely cats his favours on them. Andobkerve a fecond difference . all G ,cis pathsaremercy to his,people,not fc ii1e few ; there are none of Gods dea- lings; 410