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Plows God f lly. lic ;gs , but..itn at good towards them ifGod fhould caufe one favour to, fol- s lowanother towards fomewickedman, out ofthe fulneffcofhis bounty; yet it cannot be Paid ofanywickedmanin the world , that all the paths of God are mercy ovcards him.God hash hispaths # ofwrathand judgement , whereinhe is ccmming towards him, though hebe litrleaware ofit : 1ut thisMeilingofall the paths of God being mercy , is a pe- culiar bleffing to fuch as follow the Lord fully, in theuprightneffeof their hearts, inall thepathsof ferviceand o- bed ience. And thirdly , obferve yet agreater difference then the former : All the paths of God arenot onelymercy, but mercy and truth to hispeople : though Godmayfhcwmercy toothers , yet he bathnot tied his mercy to them byhis truth ; they cannot challenge mercy from him byvirtue ofhis truth; ifthey have mercy , it is more then they could have expected ; theycannot be lureof it one houre ; they have nothing to Ifhew for their mercy ; they doe not old their mercy upon that Tenor of Gods