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follones Godfrilly. 33, tinually for them : h?ofa 2.21122.1will heuretheheavens , and they ¡hall heare the earth, and he earthfball heavetheCorn,and thewine,andthe oyle, andtbeyAarheare ze reel : t Cor.3.22123. 7 bworld,lifi, death, thingspre[ent ,things to come, allare yours, and yee are Chri/s and Chrrl is Gods : Rom. 8.28. And we know that allthings work together forgood, to them that love God. This is a myfiery that the world is not acquainted with , but we know it, faith the .Apoífle. theworld may think that things work againft us; yea , all things in the world feem to workagainíf us; but we know that all thingsdoe work for good , and they work together for good ; though fome particular things confideredapart, may work for good to other men , yet take all together, and they work their ruin; but altogether works for good tous; although thegood Bothnot feemyet to come forth, yet it is a working for us ; 'fay but till the work be done, and it will appear : Good it will be, though it may be not the fame good that wee think of, yeta good that will be better for us ; a greater good thenweimgi- n ..i