Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

336 3raciomf fpirit. tied' ordefired. Itow then, if all that is Gods be for thee, andworks thus ful- ly for thee, is there not reafon Then, (that ail that is thine fhould be for God, ¡and workas fully for him? Thine did Ifay?the truth i,thereis nothing thine; forall is Gods; God bath a wearer pro. piety in, and right to whatfoever thou art, andhaft_ then thy felt; but God is pleafed to let it be called thine , that thoumaift freely give it tc- him : an,2 if itbe his äwn,why film ld he not have it fully t If he thus inlargeth himfelfto- wards thee, how unequadl is it, that thou fhouldeft be fcant in thy fervice to him, and in thine honouringof him e Fifthly,wickedmen doefully follow after that which is eviil ; an infinite flume and confufìon than would it be to us , an iffinire difhonour likewife untoGoda ifwe fhould not as fully fol- low the Lord in that which is good Lsclef 9. ;. Thehearts ofthefoesofmcn is full ofevill : and Chap. 8. Y 1. The heart ofthefonnes ofnett isfullyfit i» them todoe evill ; TheSeventy tranfl-?te this , The heart ofman h.lth a Pheropharie to mill; ( is is fet upon it without any doubt , or fufpition;