follower Goa Ally. fufpi ión, there is a plerophoryof bold- ; neffe to fin in them ; why ihou'd there net he a ph: rophory, (that is;a full per. fwafion of faith is Gods fervants to that wh ch is good :' Micak. 7.3. the Scripture faith, that w'cked mendoe e- vil! ich both hand ., ;earneftly: Efày 5 7<5, Id<.larcrs thereare laid to inflame theinfelves with their Idols 5 and sere- m 7 8.2 , they ate laid , r To love their Ido ;s: 2.1 o ferve theme ?. Towalke of er them : 4. To leak them : 5. To wo: ¡hip tx<em all there fiveexpreffijns. together in one Verfe t,, fct torui the ea rneff ucffe Jnd to i nc irc o t the ípirit of Idolaters towards their Idols. Where have we five tuchexp effions together, to let out the fulndffe of the work of trams fpirits in following after the L rd . It was lard of Ahab, that he fold himfelf to work wickednefle; what a halr:rífeof ípirit was there inhim,indo- ing wickedneffc r ler. 23.1o. It is faid there of the people, that their courfe wasevill, and their force wasnot right. That vis, that flrength , and force that was in their Ipirits, was not right; it was not after God but after the %%ayes of 337