Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

fillinves Gsd fully. for rne,then his doth for him. Ö let the thought °four giving the Dillocca- fion thus to triumph over Chrift in our ilacknefle and negligence in following at tcr him, cauft thatne and confution to cover our faces : and yet to put on this Argument a little inorc cloe It may he you your felves htretofore,have fol- lowt d tin fully, your hea ts have been ftrong after evill, and your lives have ban fluid-nil in it ; it maybe youhave been forwal d in putting forth your Rives ring lead( rs in that whichwas vill,notonelyftout and peverfeyour feives, but maintainers,encomagorg of m:ch evil in others ; yougave up your members, your eftates, andwhatiyoti had , to the fervice of fia much: time' was fpent, much Peepbroke inplotting and contriving wickednes, tinch :pin taken in the executionof it , and now your hearts and waycs feettilobtfor God 5 and isa poor,fleight, feant,d(ad- hearted fervice fufficient fot Min e be afhamed and confoundeeV in thy thoughts , let Coníciencejtidge tween God and his Creature. Doe thou thus requite the Lord isihis thy z kinde- A 339"