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Agracious !pit*, kindeneffeto him ti is there not infinite reafon , that. as you have yeelded your members fervants to uncleanneffe , and to iniquity unto iniquity; even fo you now fhould yee`d your members fer wants:to righteoufneffe unto holine% Romans 6. '919. Mark the oppofitton there; there -are three To's in the ex prefficn of the fervice t o fin,Tounclean - neffe, To iniquity Tinto iniquity; but in the ferviceof God thereareonely two, To righteoufneffe, Vntaholineffe, It is true, in this life there will never be that tulneso ípiritin followingafter God, as there was in following after fin; be- caufe there was nothing but fin in the :rodebefore, no other flream to abate it 3 but now there is fomething elfe be- t fides grace; a ftream of corruption to oppofe it: but yet we, be alla- med , that there fhotaldbe loch adiffe- rence the thought of it ¡herald caufea dcje::: ion of he<: rt.rxithin us, and we fhould judge it infinit=y equall and rea- fonable, that we fly -uld endeavour to the utmoft weareable, to followGod 'as fully- now , as ever we followed fin before. St. Paul,dtfIs 26.i i. cor4féffcthi that