f®l/®rves Godfilly. that in hisformer way he was madd the perfecution ofGods fervanrs 5 and when God turnc.th the ftream others e judged him as mad in th.e other W.4:1 ; 2 Corinth. 5.13. For whether we bebefdes our félves ,it ís to God ; the ''ove ofChris conftrait'eth ad. Are : heLce we may ob- nerve, that the Erne word that 1ignifes to perfecute., heufeth !:0 fet out his a - neif pre ffing towards the mark; 3 14 IfrefTe towards the mark , for the priceofthe highcallingofGod. T word that is there traoflarcd, prefetawards,it¡s the fame that fignifics tope, fccute, be- caufe theearneftncsof Lislpirit, in pref- fing towards he marknow , is the fame that it was in his perfecution of thole ghat preffed towards the markbefore. Sixthly, the more fully we follow God , the more full.fh 11 our prefent peace, and joy ,, and foule-fatisfying contentment b°.Pffl. r 19.130. The en- tranceofthy words giveth light; thebe- ginningoffollowing God,is fweet and good, but the furtherwe doe goe on, the more fweet we (hall finde , as they whowalked toward Sion, Pfalm48.7. They went from fbength toftrength : 10 Z 3 they 30 dlrv 0 irar.