Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

342 A gracieras 1'irit they who walk after the Lord , theygo from peace to pe ;re, from joy to joy, from onedegree of comfort unto ano- ther; for ifthe entrance into our way be fogood and fweet,what will it bewhen we come into the midi' ofit Prov.8. 2o. I lead in themay r. f righteoufees, in the mug of thejudgement; mark what fol- lows there,verfe 21. That I might caufe tho f that I'veme, to inheritfu6ßance , and I will fill their treafloes. Thandoth the foule inherit fubftance indeed , thenare the treafurcs ofit filled, when wifdome leads it, not onely in theway of righte- oufneffe, but in themidi' of the paths ofjudgement. The way ofthe juf' is compared to the fhining of the li. ht, thatfiinethmore andmere un o theFetal day, Pr©vr 4.18. The furtherhe gns on hisway , the more light he hath , the more glorious(hire is upon him, Pfal. 36. 8. They (hall be abundantly fansfled, and they ¡hall drink of the River ofplea- fires . Who are thofe that Thal l be thus abundantly fatisfied,and (hill havethis River ofpleafurts r they are verfe i o. the upright in heart. That foul that walks on before the Lord in`the uprightnefle of