follewes Godfolly. of it, fhall not want fatisfaaion , fha11 not want pleafure. Pfal.119.165. Great peacehave they which love thy law. It is more to love Gods law then to doe the thing that is commanded in it. That foule whichdoth not onely fubmit to the Law, but loves ir, will beabundant in duty , for love is bountiful' ; and great peace hash filch a foule that thus lovesGods Law. Every good motion in the fou!,is as thebud oftheLord,and that is beautiful' andglorious, but how excellent and glorious is the fruit ofit then e thegood beginnings which are as the buddingofthe Fornegranate,and the putting forthofthe tender Vine,are delightfull-to God and the foule; but how pleafant then is the fruit when it cornes to ripen fie e The more fully we follow on in Gods wayes, themore full will the t-- ftimony of the witneifes both in hea- venandearth be,in witnengour blef- fedeftate untous: Thofe three witnef- fes in heaven , the Father, Word , and Holy Ghofi, and thole three on earth, the Spirit, Water , and the Blood, of which Saint. john inhis j EpJL5. 7, 8. Z 4. they 343 i