graciota irit, they will all come with their full tear cony , to that foul which follows God fully. B' following the Lord fully,VVe keep o»revidcnces clear; finblots and blurs our evidences, that oftentimeswe cannot read them ; but when !r he heart keeps clofe to. God , and walks fully with him , then all is kept faire. The Kingdome of GOD confifts in righteuuin,..fie, peace , and joy ; the more ful °y wee are brought into his Kingdom , themore fully wew-e under his. goys rntlient ; as there will t'e the more t-ighteouiflef e,fo the more peace and j,,y. Ffa.9 7. Of the. encreare of bps go t. errzrrsent. ariapace ,there/hallbe no end, with the To ct. '1-he more encreare there is et Ghri?ls g:oyTerpment i -i the foule, the : dore full it is, themorepeace wsll he there. Sevenally , t! ere is great reafon that wee fbouild walic hilly after the Lord, the way that God cals us to walk in, is a molt blcledand holyway: II the 2 I . Reved:4 -on , 2 I . verfi; The tlsetis of lervr,falcr, (that is, thewayes of Gods people in his Church,wherein, theynewwsiik ),theyare fad to be of ore I