fölloves Godfully. pure gold , and as it ere tranfparent glaffe; they are golden ,°ayrs,they are bright fhining wayes. Prey. 3: I 7. The wades ofwiforr e arethewayes ofpleafant- neffe, andall her paths arepace. There is not anyoneCommand ofGod,whrre in he wouldhave us to follo A+ him, but it is very lovely, there is muchgood in, it : God requires nothingofus,but tha' which is moll jai and holy : as God is hoy inall his works . fo he is holy in a!l his Ccmmands; they are nootker,but that which, it our hearrs wereas they ought, we would choofe:oourfelves. A righteousman isa law tohimfe-lf, h fees that good, that beauty, that equity inall Gods laws, ashe would choofe them tohimfeifwere he left at his own liberty. What one thing is there in Gods law thatcould be fpared e What is there that thouc u !deft b.° glad tobe exemp-ed from ? It may be in the ftr ngth of temptation, when force lu,ft is upworkin ,the fl fh would fainhave Tome liberty ; but upon due ferious thoughts, looking into the bottome of things, a gracious foule coferh with theLaw, and loveth it as gold,yea,fine gold, 345 f