346 gracioto jprlt, gold,andbreaks for the longing it hath, not to the reward of obedience to Gods Statutes,and judgements,butto theSta- tuts and judgements of God them- (elves, as David faith his foule did. Howfoevcr our path io following the LordmayTeem rugged and hard to the 1lefh, in regard of the afHióions and troubles it meetswithal! in it;yet where there isa fpirituall eye , the way ofho- lincffe appears to it exceeding lovely and beautifull. Though David, Plain; 23. fuppofed the worft that might be- fall him in his way , as that he might walk through thevalley ofthe fhadow of death ; yet he cals his way green paflures,and faith, God will lead him by the Bill waters. Ir is true, thewayes ofGod arc grievous to t',e wicked , but very goodand delightfull to the Saints, becaufe they are the wayes ofholinefie, as Efiy 35.8. Anda highwayfhall be there, andrt(hall cafled the way of holine fe ; ?he unclean(hallnot pap' over it. Eightly,theconfiderationoftheend of our way, fhould be a firongmotive, todraw our hearts fully after the Lord in it the entrance into it is fweet , the miça