348 It ánF-tátb- Ise1. Conti- gl[0 indefi. narrtet ambri- tavi. R gracious: fpirit, Fleechiah, which did from the te- fiinony of his : on(c'ence, that he had fullywalked after the Lord vvirh a rr- fedheart ! the Pe /b there,I havewalked, is inftat Niood in t riginal,r.ha} ads to the finihcazion of it It 1 have cdsst4naally witladot ceafiag walked . Thus Lf:ther,whowas a aimwhole fpirit wasexceeding full in his iove un- Om ht- aid walking after the Lord Jefus äe% tcui. , t0 , 5 Chri f} while he lived ; ;And when he I came todie, his fpirit T.vas full of com- fort, and joy, and courage 5 theii~ e,x= pretiions br3ke from him ; O my hea- venly Father O God the Fatixr the ,¿ord leflss Chrifl, the God ofall coolfort, Igive thee thanks that thou hall reveal-d thy SInne lefus Chrifl torne,whom Ihave belceved, whom I have prof 'red w-om I have loved, whow I have-honoured . 7Vho?7s' tbe B fhop ofRome, and the refi ofthe reut ¡ afthe wicked mee havapzrf ,cuted andcon- Itemned; and now 1bYreecd1 thre, v my Lord , Chrrfl, receivemy foule, my heaveN - ly Fathé-r : althoughmy body is to be fid down yet I cert:ri,rly know that Ifhall, for; ever re4;lain with tree, rieit her ca» Iby any be pilaw ®fto'l hamds. The grace of i Gods!