.. Are 3$o Egrcdere, quid times ? egredere a- xima mea, quid dubi- tss ? feptu- ginta prope annis fervifti Chrifto , ( mortem ti- mes? Hier'. in vitacjus. j ------_._ , A gracious fj)19'Zt, and when death comes , then the foule is called up, to theupper room, to flea. ven,there to follow the Lambe where- fcever he goeth. Wee wade of a notable fpeech that 111l1rian had when he was to dies Go òut,go out any foule, mhydolt thou fear, why doll thouaotebt alsoft theft fcventy years h ft thou feruedChrifi, anddolt those nowfear death ? And if the end of our way at death, hath fo much good in it, how much good will there be in the end of our way , that we (hall enjoy, whenwecome toheaven e Astheeonfìderation of the full re ward in heaven , was made ufe of be- fore, as an encouragment to thofe who ' doe fully follow the Lord ; fo now vx e make ufe of it, as a ftrong motive to draw up our hearts to the full follow- ing after him. It was S. Paull motive to theCorinthians,' Eprffle 15.58. per- fwading them to beftedfaft, Immoveable, alwayes abounding in the work oft Lord; fora fnuch as they knew that their labour wits n t in vain in the Lord. Wee doe not followafterfhadowsand phanciesi following the Lord , but =fed for glory,