fames Godflay. 3SI glory, honour, immortality; we fol- low after an incorruptible crown, a glorious kingdome , aneternal! inheri- tance t he gloryof heaven ; the trea- hures of the riches of God himfelf are fee before us , to draw up our hearts fully tohim. It was an argument that S. Paul ufed towork uponhis own fpi- rit withall, Phil 3,14. Ipre&toward the mark for theprife ofthehigh callingofGod in Chriii It;'us, How full is the workofmany mens fpirits , in their working after fome poor, little, (cant good in this world? whereas if theyhad all the world, they hadbut anemptyhusk incomparifon ofthat glory that is let before us: They pant after the very duff ; what caufe is there then that our hearts fhould pant in the ífrong workings of them , after thofe highandglorious things,that are refervcd in heaven for us ? It was the goodnes ofthe landofCanean,,that was a ftrong motive to damCale and Io- thruihs heart fully after the Lord , through many difficulties. Canaanwas but a dark Type of the glory of Hea- ven, whichGodhash promifed to re- ward