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_ 4grdcieni,ririt, ward the full followers of himfeif withall, It was once a fpeech of An firne, If a man fhould fervc God zea- loufly hereathoufand yeárs,yet fhould he not thereby dt fervedly merit to be one half day in heaven. Let us be as forward, let our heartsbe as firong and zealous in Gods wayes as póllibly theycan be ; et I may fay as Abigail did to David in that particular cafe, pallnot repent myLore/ when he comes into his Kangdome 5 ò it shall rever repent you of any thing that ever you have done for the Lord hen you co e in- ro your Kingdume. But di: were pof-: Pble there could be f,rrow in heaven, you would bee furry that you did no more. It wasa iper ch of one Gordan a Martyr, th*.t the threats ofhis ene- mies were but as feeds, Prod whic he fliould reap immortality andeternall joys ; fo all the hardfhip and troubles that we meet with. 11 in our wayhere, in following the Lord,are increafers of that glory that is to be revealed why then fhould any thing hinderus,or us inour way e And thus I pair to the íecond thing propounded m this