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foll®wesGOd Ule, namely,to thewwhat are theau- ks that hinder men from following the Lord fully, and they are five efpecial- l7, which, I fhall but name. Fat, low apprehentions that men haveof God ; they fee not God inhis glory, in his greatneffe ; furely they knownot God, and therefore it is that their hearts work fo poorly after him, ley. 9.:3. Theyarenot valiantfor the troth upon theearth : and what is the reafon For they knownot me, f ith theLord. As if he fhvuld fay , Did they knowme, cer. tainly they would be valiant for my truth: They that know thy Namß,faith the Pfalmift,.Pfa.9. a ®.they viIIput their mil in thee; fo they that k owGods Name, will love him, will feare him, will be zealous tor, it follow fullyafter hip. The knowledge ofall truths concern- ing heaven andhell, or Any other thing thatcan beknown,can never raite, can never inlarge the heartsofmen fo after the Lord, as the knowledge of God himf.lfe; and therefore where God is little known, nomarvell though he be f' little:followed. Secondly, unfound beginnings in the. A pro., 353