354 Agradoas fpirit, profeffionof religion,are thecaufe why mendonot fully follow after the Lord; their heartsare not throughly broken, nor deeplyhumbled,the truthsof God not deeply rooted at firf, their foules not well principled, the foundationnot well laid : If risenbenot well principled at firft, intilt it en- rance into thewayes of God,they are like toprovebut fhuf- lers and bunglers in Religion all their dayes. If C:loathbenot wrought well at the firt ,though it (heaves faire in the Loom, yet it will fhrinkwhen it comes towetting: thecaufe whymanydoe fo (brink in thewetting, when they come to fufferany thing in the wayes ofreli- gion, it is, btcaufe their hearts were not well wroughtat firft. A third caufe is the flrengrh of en- gagements; their hearts are fo wrapt in them,fo glua:-d to them, as it isexcee- ding painfull to get them loofned from thcrn,they are fo near and dear to a cor- rupt heart: As it is laidof Efiu, he loo- kedon the pottage, and it was fo red;fo they look upon their ingagements, and they are full ofcontent; it is fo grie- vous to be taken off from them , that they