folly g sGodfully. they rather fuf#er their hearts to be ta- kenoff from God himfelfe': when en- gagements have taken polfefiion of the heart, thenhowhard is it to work any thing upo i the judgments ofmen? It is hard toget the mind toviewthe truths of God, toget it to (catch into them, to confiderof them ; it is ready to dole with the leali ohietion againtt them,_ to catch hol of the leali advantage to cal themoff; and if truths be fo cleare as amancannot but fee them, asconfci- ence for the prefent is over-powred w th them,yet if the heart be not taken off from ingag tents , it will fetch a- bout again, to fee if fomthing may not begetren again(I thofe truths, tobreak the ttrength of them; but where the hccarr is taken off from ingagements, howcafly do the truths prevail a how foon is the heart brought fully to clofe with them e 2Sam! 22.33. God, faith David makethmy way perfeé the word Cre fres "y ray ,Scivrt, to it is trantla- y ome, Hefiles itfromfndres ; and this isa great mercy. Hence P¡a. :i8. 31 where this jhankfgiving of David is a- gain repeated, there theWord4 tranfla= Ä ter 353 i