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356 gracious pirit, ted Dedit , Hebobgiven my way to bee per, feu s this is agoad gift indeed, for God to make a mans waves free and clearebefotehim,to takeoff the'temp- tations that did ingage and infnare his fpirit sand then as v. 34, ofthat place in Samuel Hemakethmy feetas Hindes feet: O how fwiftly and powerfully then may the foule run inGods wayes, when it is thus freed ! P'ì I 19.44,45 I fbalikeep tby law continually, for ever and ever,andIwillwalk at liberty. When the heart isat liberty,then it goes onconti- nually, for everand ever, in following after theLord: but iftherebeany fecret ingagement in it, it will be weary, and one timeor other will leaveoff: aman that is fettered, canneither goc apace, nor continue long. A fourth thing that hinders men in followingGod fully,it is, going out in the ftrength of their own refolurions, not in any strength that they receive out of the fulneffeofJefus Chrift,they truftmore to their ownpromifes, then toGods. Luther reportsof Staupiciwa GermanDivine,that heacknowledged of himfelf, thatbefore he came to un- derftand